The Prairie Hill Food Pantry is open every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30AM-8:00AM.
The church is located at 6605 Old Independence Road in Brenham, Texas 77833. When you arrive please pull around the back of the church to our Activity Center where the Pantry is held.
If you would like more information please call the church office (979) 836-8666 and our secretary can direct you to one our Food Pantry leaders.
2022 Food Pantry Dates:
January 11 | July 12 |
January 25 | July 26 |
February 8 | August 9 |
February 22 | August 23 |
March 8 | September 13 |
March 22 | September 27 |
April 12 | October 11 |
April 26 | October 25 |
May 10 | November 8 only |
May 24 | |
June 14 | December 13 |
June 28 | December 27 |